Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Noob

Joshua Gregory Potts, born 29 Oct 2008 at 11:28 a.m.

6 pounds 3 ounces (actually it turns out something like 6 pounds 2.4 ounces, but the former number got recorded). 18.5 inches long (18 on birth certificate). He's full-term but a bit small. Mother and baby are doing fine. Of the various relatives, he seems to most closely resemble Grace's father James Benjamin, who died last year.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

YouTube Can't Quite Count

Count them, then look at the number of videos YouTube says I have, then count them again. D'oh!

The problem persists after reloading the page and in several other views of my content. Weird! I'll have to check back in a day or two and see if the problem might be some kind of database synchronization.

My user page is

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sam's Second Birthday

The party was extremely modest. Sam requested a meal of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, so that is what we had for dinner.

He was quite excited.

Proud Mom and sister.

Proud Isaac (with his new glasses).

Proud Dad.

Next, the cake, the blowing out of candles, and the eating. These are stills taken from a movie I recorded on my camera, which is a fairly cheap camera. My apologies for the poor image quality.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Family that Bathes Together, Thtayths Together

Tub: dirty. Babies: clean.

I was gonna include on of Isaac in the shower, but he didn't like that idea for some reason.

A Young David Lynch with Rubber Duckies

Samuel Ambrose Potts, age 23 months, contemplates his first film, "Duckiehead."

Enjoy them -- I nearly ruined my camera to get this shot. It shorted out from the steam and shut down, but seems to have recovered, although the last few files it wrote to the flash card were corrupted.